Re: “Letter: Americans don’t deserve freedom and liberty” (Letters to the editor, Opinion section, June 26)

I must respond to Mr. Woody’s recent letter. Freedom versus liberty is a false choice. Your liberty extends only to limits of my freedom to remain healthy.

Loss of jobs and livelihoods and resulting suicides are valid concerns, but Woody should recognize that significant numbers of doctors and health care workers have already committed suicide because of the stress they were under seeing so many die a horrible death.

He also needs to recognize that young and older survivors of COVID-19 may be faced with long-term consequences of organ damage. Maybe he could direct his letters to Sen. Mitch McConnell, asking him to quickly craft a fourth relief bill to further assist the unemployed and bankrupt small businesses, as well as to supply states with the funding they need so police and firefighters aren’t laid off. And yes, he can raise my taxes to aid my fellow Americans in distress.

Ron Rigge

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