A sticker at a Miami protest in support of Cubans demonstrating against their government, July 16.

A sticker at a Miami protest in support of Cubans demonstrating against their government, July 16.

Photo: eva marie uzcategui/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

Mary Anastasia O’Grady does an excellent job exposing the repression apparatus in Cuba (“Resistance and Repression in Cuba,” Americas, July 19). It is hard to understand those who admire the Cuban dictatorship, but some of my liberal acquaintances actually believe Cubans are better off under the communist regime, citing its healthcare and educational systems. More should be written to debunk these two myths.

The many people who have been apprehended and are now missing demonstrate what the reality is for Cubans, and their sacrifice will not be forgotten. They have already won by letting the world know that Cubans are not buying the “big lie” of the communist dictatorship.

Sylvia Hernandez

Duck Key, Fla.

Ms. O’Grady has warned us before about our Latin American neighbors being neglected and the inroads our enemies are making there. We must be more alert to this or we’ll eventually suffer the consequences of our neglect. We must strengthen our support of legitimate governments without trying to remake them in our image. How crass to deny safe haven to Cubans coming from the sea to escape oppression, yet allow the illegal onrush over our southern borders.

Bertram J. Marcus

Cary, N.C.