KATV provides some sharp quotes in coverage today of school districts debating mask mandates.

First, from Cabot, where many parents are upset about a mask rule and some have filed a lawsuit.


From lawsuit leader Melissa Bosch:


“It’s not my child’s responsibility to keep other people safe.” …. “Parents, if they’re really worried they should homeschool or keep a mask on their kid. It’s a personal responsibility. We have to take responsibility for our own health,”

Then there’s Greenbrier, where the school board reversed course on a mask optional policy.


First, Alex Van Houten, who objects to a required mask:

“I have a very hard time picturing Jesus putting mask on children and telling them that he would rather not see their smiles for fear that they were infecting at risk parents.”

Then Xandra Sharp, who moved a child with a heart condition to Conway in response to the initial mask-optional policy.

“I would really like to see a full mask mandate in all of the buildings,” Sharpe said. “If we want to teach our children about empathy and I mean just being a good person it is literally the least you can do to wear a mask.”

With a junior high son who is vaccinated and still in Greenbrier, Sharpe doesn’t believe the policy goes far enough.

“Personal choice over the good of everyone. That whole mentality, especially if we’re going to call ourselves Christians, is absolutely not biblical,” Sharpe said.