
POLITICO Playbook: A special day for DJT - POLITICO - Politico

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TODAY IS SHAPING UP TO BE THE KIND OF DAY when the president of the United States could find himself sitting in the White House stewing. He has but two events on his calendar -- both in the afternoon -- and if he turns on the television, he’ll find much to be extremely interested in.

-- THE CITY OF NEW YORK will begin painting a Black Lives Matter mural outside of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan this morning. Mayor BILL DE BLASIO will join in this afternoon, per NBC 4 New York.

-- AT 10 A.M.: THE SUPREME COURT will announce its last rulings of the session -- including whether President DONALD TRUMP’S financial and tax records will get sent to Capitol Hill. JOSH GERSTEIN and KYLE CHENEY on the cases

-- AT NOON: GEOFFREY BERMAN, the recently ousted U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, will testify in a closed session in front of House Judiciary. The format: one hour of Dem questioning, one hour of Republican questioning.

-- AT 1 P.M.: Defense Secretary MARK ESPER and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs MARK MILLEY will testify in front of House ARMED SERVICES about “Department of Defense Authorities and Roles Related to Civilian Law Enforcement” -- a timely topic after the Lafayette Park and St. John’s Church episodes, and certainly an irritant to one DONALD JOHN TRUMP.

-- TONIGHT: Former President BARACK OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON will hold separate big-donor fundraisers for the BIDEN VICTORY FUND. REMEMBER: JOE BIDEN beat TRUMP in the fundraising game the past two months.

OBAMA’S EVENT is with Illinois Gov. J.B. PRITZKER. Giving levels range from $50,000 to $250,000.

CLINTON’S EVENT is with Rep. DONNA SHALALA (D-Fla.) and California Lt. Gov. ELENI KOUNALAKIS. Tickets rage from $1,000 to $25,000.

THE PRESIDENT is leaving town for Miami on Friday, and then will go to New Hampshire on Saturday. Bet there will be people who want to escort him to Air Force One today.

TRUMP THE SUPERSPREADER? … AP/OKLAHOMA CITY: “Health official: Trump rally ‘likely’ source of virus surge”: “President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa in late June that drew thousands of participants and large protests ‘likely contributed’ to a dramatic surge in new coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday.

“Tulsa County reported 261 confirmed new cases on Monday, a one-day record high, and another 206 cases on Tuesday. By comparison, during the week before the June 20 Trump rally, there were 76 cases on Monday and 96 on Tuesday. Although the health department’s policy is to not publicly identify individual settings where people may have contracted the virus, Dart said those large gatherings ‘more than likely’ contributed to the spike.

“‘In the past few days, we’ve seen almost 500 new cases, and we had several large events just over two weeks ago, so I guess we just connect the dots,’ Dart said.”

-- “What Will Trump’s Rally in New Hampshire Be Like? It’s Anyone’s Guess,” by NYT’s Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni: “Three days before President Trump’s latest rally, in a state that Hillary Clinton narrowly won in 2016, the only thing that seems clear is that the president’s team has no idea what to expect.”

NEWSOM TO TRUMP: SHUSH … LAT: “Newsom says reopening of California schools to be based on safety, not pressure from Trump,” by Patrick McGreevy in Sacramento: “‘I’m not worried about the latest tweets’ from the president, Newsom said during a news conference Wednesday. ‘What we need to address is safely reopening schools and we need to make that a foundational principle. That to me is not negotiable.’

“Newsom said the state is providing local schools with face masks, gloves and sanitation supplies to ensure that those in classrooms are protected. But he said the virus is affecting some areas of the state more than others, so school districts may vary in when and how they resume instruction. ‘All of these things need to be managed at the local level with the foundational framework of keeping our kids and our teachers healthy and safe,’ Newsom said.”

ALSO DRIVING TODAY: BIDEN will tour and speak about his economic recovery plan at a metalworks facility in Dunmore, Pa. … The HOUSE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE is getting briefed on the Russia bounty situation at 9 a.m. … House Minority Leader KEVIN MCCARTHY will hold a news conference at 10:15 a.m. in the Capitol … Speaker NANCY PELOSI holds her news conference at 11 a.m.


Good Thursday morning.

WHAT TWITTER WILL BE ABLAZE ABOUT ... JOHN HARRIS column: A President Who Makes Us Puke—Just Like He Was Hired To Do”

WSJ: “FBI Probes Chinese Exile, Including Work With Former Trump Aide Steve Bannon,” by Aruna Viswanatha, Brian Spegele and Rebecca Davis O’Brien: “The FBI is examining exiled Chinese businessman Guo Wengui and the money used to fund his media efforts in the U.S., including his work with Steve Bannon, a former senior adviser to President Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

“Federal Bureau of Investigation national security agents in recent months have asked people who know both men for information on Mr. Guo’s activities, including the source of funds of a media company linked to him that hired Mr. Bannon in 2018 as a consultant, the people said.

“As recently as last week, the FBI met with one person familiar with the companies tied to Mr. Guo, the people said. The probe has been under way for more than six months, and prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s offices in Manhattan and Brooklyn have been involved, some of the people said.”

MCCONNELL GOES FULL MASK … AP’S LISA MASCARO: “Trump aside, McConnell becomes GOP’s preacher on masks”


-- “Grim projection: 200,000 dead by Election Day,” by Dan Goldberg and Adam Cancryn: “It took just four weeks for the U.S. to jump from 2 million coronavirus infections to the 3 million mark. Most forecasters now say that, as case counts accelerate at a record pace, it will likely take even less time to surpass 4 million.”

-- NYT: “U.S. Coronavirus Cases Reach Another Daily Record, Passing 59,000”: “As President Trump continued to press for a broader reopening of the United States, the country set another record for new coronavirus cases on Wednesday, with more than 59,400 infections announced, according to a New York Times database. It was the fifth national record set in nine days. The previous record, 56,567, was reported on Friday.

“The country reached a total of three million cases on Tuesday as the virus continued its resurgence in the West and the South. At least five states — Missouri, Texas, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia — set single-day records for new infections on Wednesday.”

-- “America is running short on masks, gowns and gloves. Again,” by WaPo’s William Wan: “Health-care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic are encountering shortages of masks, gowns, face shields and gloves — a frustrating recurrence of a struggle that haunted the first months of the crisis.

“Nurses say they are reusing N95 masks for days and even weeks at a time. Doctors say they can’t reopen offices because they lack personal protective equipment. State officials say they have scoured U.S. and international suppliers for PPE and struggle to get orders filled. Experts worry the problem could worsen as coronavirus infections climb, straining medical systems.”

HOW’S THIS FOR AN EXCUSE! … NYT, by Steve Eder and Ben Protess: “President Trump’s annual financial disclosure report was due to be released more than a week ago. But the filing, the only official public document detailing his personal finances, was not published, and neither the White House nor federal ethics officials offered a public explanation. The White House addressed the issue on Wednesday night. An official said Mr. Trump had requested a deadline extension because the report was ‘complicated’ and the president had ‘been focused on addressing the coronavirus crisis and other matters.’”

HOLLY OTTERBEIN and LAURA BARRÓN-LÓPEZ: “The left gets rolled on legalizing pot — and legal protections for cops”: “Joe Biden’s ‘unity’ task forces were created to bring the progressive wing of the Democratic Party into the fold after the sting of Bernie Sanders’ defeat. But on key policies involving the biggest issue of the day — criminal justice — the left flank got rolled.

“Amid nationwide protests against police brutality, the criminal justice panel formed by Biden and Sanders got into heated debates in recent weeks over qualified immunity, a legal doctrine that shields police from being sued for misconduct. Progressives pushed to end it, but Biden appointees agreed only to sign onto a commitment to rein in the rule.

“Another flash point over marijuana ended similarly: Sanders’ team argued in private meetings that they should legalize cannabis, but that idea was rejected. One task force member described the disagreements over qualified immunity and pot as ‘huge battles,’ and multiple people involved said the criminal justice panel presented some of the biggest challenges for compromise.” POLITICO

FORMER HAWAII GOP REP. CHARLES DJOU is endorsing BIDEN. DJOU served eight months in the House from 2010 to 2011. Video

TRUMP’S THURSDAY -- The president will participate in a roundtable with Hispanic leaders at 2:15 p.m. in the Cabinet Room. He will sign an executive order on the “White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative” at 3 p.m. in the Rose Garden.


AREA FOOTBALL TEAM UPDATE -- “Redskins’ review appears to be informal process; new name, logo unlikely to use native imagery,” by WaPo’s Les Carpenter: “When the Washington Redskins announced Friday that the organization is conducting a ‘thorough review’ of the team’s name, the statement did not say who would be doing the review, how long the study would take or what the franchise hoped to accomplish. … People familiar with this review and similar ones conducted by the Redskins in the past say it is a more informal process, primarily led by Snyder, with the owner speaking to key advisers and league officials.

“One development in the process is that the organization is not expected to use Native American imagery with its new name and logo, according to a person familiar with the deliberations of the team and league, but the person cautioned that plans are not finalized. ESPN also reported Wednesday the franchise is not planning to use native imagery.” WaPo

BEYOND THE BELTWAY … MATT FRIEDMAN: “A Kennedy strikes a blow to New Jersey’s most powerful political machine”: “George Norcross, a wealthy insurance executive, has for decades run New Jersey’s most vaunted Democratic political machine, a seemingly unstoppable behemoth that carries huge influence over who leads the state Legislature and what bills become law.

“But after a series of political and legal setbacks over the past year, culminating in Amy Kennedy’s landslide primary victory Tuesday over a Norcross-backed candidate in southern New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, some Democrats see signs that the machine’s grip on power is starting to slip.

“It’s a stunning turn of events. Just over a year ago Norcross, incensed by a state investigation that dug up dirt on his insurance brokerage and his allies, made a semi-veiled threat of a primary challenge to Gov. Phil Murphy.

“Fourteen months later, the question in New Jersey political circles isn’t whether the governor will face such a challenge. Rather, it’s just how weakened the Norcross machine has become, and whether his most influential ally, state Senate President Steve Sweeney, has reached the end of his time atop the chamber after more than a decade in power.”

-- “Florida Democrats return PPP money amid scandal,” by Marc Caputo and Matt Dixon: “The Florida Democratic Party announced late Wednesday that it was returning at least $780,000 in small-business loans after its own lawmakers criticized the acceptance of the money as highly questionable if not illegal and unethical.

“The party immediately applied for the loan after Congress first passed the $670 billion Paycheck Protection Program, known as PPP, even though there was discussion at the time that the money should go to neither lobbyists nor political causes.” POLITICO

ACROSS THE POND … REUTERS: “Melania Trump statue set on fire in Slovenia”

THE FRIENDLY SKIES -- “American, United stop flying to Hong Kong amid crew testing requirements,” by Sam Mintz and Brianna Gurciullo: “United Airlines and American Airlines have temporarily halted flights to Hong Kong after its government imposed coronavirus testing requirements for airline crews, the latest twist in a simmering scuffle between the U.S. and China over access to aviation markets.”

-- WSJ: “United Airlines Warns It May Furlough 36,000 Staff,” by Doug Cameron and Alison Sider


Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at [email protected].

TRANSITIONS -- Michael Hacker is joining TikTok’s Washington office. He most recently served as senior adviser to House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.). In addition to two stints working for Clyburn, Hacker previously worked for the late John Dingell and former Rep. David Bonior of Michigan. … Anna Pacilio is now national press secretary for EMILY’s List. She previously was director of women's messaging for Beto O’Rourke’s presidential campaign, and is a Marc Veasey alum.

WELCOME TO THE WORLD -- Jake Perry, founder and principal of Jake Perry + Partners, and Amanda Fox Perry, attorney at the Fay Law Group, on Wednesday welcomed Lila Elizabeth Perry, who came in at 7 lbs, 1 oz. Pic

BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: KP Trueblood, chief of staff at the ACLU. A trend she thinks doesn’t get enough attention: “Redistricting -- as a truly nonpartisan issue. Politicians on both sides pick their people, instead of people picking their politicians. If we had federal and state maps that made sense, our representatives would look much more like the communities they represent. We’d have more representatives from directly impacted communities at the policymaking table.” Playbook Q&A

BIRTHDAYS: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is 65 … POLITICO’s Patrick Steel and David Wertime … Emma Doyle, deputy chief of staff for policy to first lady Melania Trump … Jaclyn Gelfond, deputy director of advance for Biden’s campaign (h/t TJ Ducklo) … Drew Hammill, deputy chief of staff for Speaker Nancy Pelosi … Lauren Nunnally, deputy assistant Treasury secretary (h/ts Justin Sok and Jennifer Pett) … HuffPost’s Amanda Terkel … Brian Blase, president and CEO of Blase Policy Strategies … Tom Beaumont, AP national political correspondent (h/t Teresa Vilmain) … Donna Imperato, CEO of BCW (h/t Catherine Sullivan) … Danny Diaz, a founding and managing partner at FP1 Strategies, is 45 (h/ts Emily Keith) … Donald Rumsfeld is 88 … Mohsin Syed, chief counsel for House T&I Dems, is 4-0 … Floyd Abrams is 84 … Fox Business’ Lori Rothman … Mercury’s Kirill Goncharenko … Sara Durr, comms director for the U.S. Conference of Mayors …

… Michael Abate … Patrick Stevenson, chief mobilization officer for the DNC … Megan Ortiz, COO at the Cohen Group … Mike Britt, SVP of public policy and comms at Red Rock Resorts Inc. … former Rep. Scott Garrett (R-N.J.) is 61 … former Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mich.) is 67 … DOJ’s Mollie Timmons is 26 (h/t Kelly Laco) … Randall Jackson, partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher … Irene Jay Liu ... Stephanie Gaskell ... Spencer R. Schecht ... George-Alexander Attia … Amanda Gonzalez Thompson ... Tom Rossmeissl ... NYT’s Amy Fiscus … Jimmy Bondi ... Ann Lathrop ... Libby Hambleton Sharp ... Tim Schlittner … Elisa Bolduc ... Caroline Scullin ... Jerry Russo ... Edna Ruano ... Matthew Yurus ... Jean Medina ... Nick Rathod ... CNN’s Jeff Simon ... Goldman Sachs’ Amy Hunt ... Qorvis’ Jennifer Baskerville ... Mineko Tokito ... Jeff Wexler ... Emily Ethridge ... Elizabeth McMahon ... Doug Badger ... Todd Kliman … Cathy St. Denis … Maria (Miller) Lohmeyer

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